Meine Woche
Gesehen: „Bird Box“ (2018) von Susanne Bier mit Sandra Bullock und Sarah Paulson. Spannender SciFi Survival Film der sehr an „Quiet“ erinnert….
Gesehen: „Bird Box“ (2018) von Susanne Bier mit Sandra Bullock und Sarah Paulson. Spannender SciFi Survival Film der sehr an „Quiet“ erinnert….
Das #WomeninSciFi Jahr neigt sich dem Ende zu und ich möchte es abschließen, wie es begann – mit der wunderbaren Ursula LeGuin. Vielen vielen Dank an die vielen Beteiligten, diese Reihe hätte nicht bestehen können ohne Euch!…
Kurz vor der 2018 Ziellinie habe ich noch mal drei richtig gute Bücher gelesen. Den Anfang heute macht Lisa Brennan-Jobs, deren Autobiografie „Beifang“ nicht zu Unrecht von der Kritik hochgelobt wurde….
Christmas Day is here and I use this opportunity to show off one of the first x-mas presents I got this year. Thank you so much Karen, this was most certainly a winner …
Gesehen: „Lizzie“ (2018) von Craig Mcneill mit Kristen Stewart und Chloe Sevigny. Drama um den Mordfall der auf wahren Tatsachen beruht und Ende des 19….
Today I would like to recommend a book that was in my „Books that matter“ subscription box and I’m so grateful for it. This one might have not reached my radar as I’m not exactly the self-help type, had never …
Vor kurzem entdeckte ich Sabines Blog „Ant1heldin“ ein großartiger Blog über Frauenfiguren und außergewöhnliche Protagonistinnen in der Literatur und auf der Leinwand. Das liegt ganz auf meiner Wellenlänge und daher war mir schnell klar, hier werde ich sicherlich …
Ohhh the heated discussion we had in tonights bookclub meeting. Fervent lovers had to battle the sceptics who doubted the feasibilities of some actions….
Not sure if Bookaholics, Bookworms and the like need a manual for reading, but this one really is a little gem and even the most seasoned reader will find something here. It talks about all the important questions that keep …
Today I go back to book that I read a couple of years ago. Whilst browsing my bookshelves I came upon it again, started reading and got stuck. What a brilliant interesting story about the old „longitude problem“ which was …
Elizabeth Gilbert’s „The Signature of all Things“ is a novel about the longing for completion and self-fulfillment of a woman who is intelligent, scientific minded and struggles with her longings and aspirations that are hard to fulfill for a woman in …
„Fugitive Pieces“ is one of my favorite books and one I re-read a couple of times. It’s difficult to pinpoint what exactly it is that makes me go back to it, but I think it has something to do how …
Gesehen: „Funny Games“ (1997) von Michael Haneke mit Susanne Lothar und Ulrich Mühe. Selten so einen krassen Film gesehen, großartig aber einer der einem definitiv nachgeht….
The recommendation today comes from the deepest corners of the sea. This wonderful book about one of my favorite creatures: The Octopus …
Meine Lieben, heute gibt es eine ganz wunderbare Premiere bei Women in SciFi. Ich freue mich mit Stefanie von miss-booleana….
This is another book no bookworm should miss. It’s the perfect one to cuddle up with on the sofa, forget the world around you and immerse yourself into the world of books, poets, writers and literature….
These stories are perfect for all part time insominiacs. So instead of tossing and turning from one side to the other, grab that neat little reading light and let one of these great authors soothe you slowly into Morpheus‘ arms….
Today I would like to show you this wonderful coffee table book with some stunning photographs of stars, comets and galaxies in the alps….
Everybody knows and loves Jane Eyre, but not many people have even heart of Villette. Todays novel is Charlotte Brontë’s astonishing autobiographical novel of one woman’s search for true love….
Today I would like to introduce an audiobook to you that I was listening to and that got my hooked from pretty much the first few minutes of it. The Sleeping Giant is the first part of the Themis trilogy …
Gesehen: „Prospero’s Books“ (1991) von Peter Greenaway mit John Gielgud. Phantastische opernartige Verfilmung von Shakespeare’s „The Tempest“ mit grandiosem Soundtrack….
I had never heart of Will Durant before somebody recommended this really excellent „The Story of Philosophy“ to me. When I looked him up I was astonished to see that this guy has basically written the entire History of the …
Luckily Mary Shelley continued to write after her first novel „Frankenstein“ was such a huge success. Today I would like to introduce to you one of her less known works „The Last Man“….
Jared Diamond, the winner of the Pulitzer price, argues in this book quite convincingly that geographical and environmental factors shaped the world we live in. Societies that had the first crack in producing food and start agriculture advanced much quicker …
Today I would like to recommend a classic that I was given as a kid. It actually belonged to my father and both our names are written in their as proud owners….